Here it comes again. We are now living the Love Month and most stores are decorating their places with lots of hearts and cupids or anything that triggers love. Chocolates and Flowers will be in demand and you will need advanced reservation on your favorite fine dining place in case you plan to eat out on February 14, which is also a Friday.

If you’re in a relationship, then good for you. Celebrate all you want with that special someone. If you’re single like me, well, don’t fret because there are more nice and productive things to do on Valentine’s Day!
- Self-Care Day
As they say, you can only love someone genuinely and purely if you love yourself first. Have you been working hard? Go and relax at home. Devote February 14 for yourself. Go cook that favorite meal of yours. If you don’t cook, just order from UberEats or from your go-to takeaway shop. Get a massage if you want. You deserve it, baby! You can also watch movies or a whole series. Play your favorite album and turn the volume up and dance the night away as you drink white wine. Gotta love your me time! - Look for a Date Online
If you’ve been putting your love life on hold, surely there is also another hopeless romantic who is hoping to find someone to spend some time with in the coming days. Maybe this is the time of the year for you to sign up in free dating sites. Who knows, he/she might just be a click away?
Though some people may not buy the idea of meeting a possible lifetime match on online dating sites, it is already proven in the past ten years that the chances of these matches to lead to marriage are very high. One of the sought-after websites to find a potential partner is match me happy. The advantage of joining is you will get an idea right away if you’re compatible with the other person or not. - Spend Time with your Family
When was the last time you had family date with your parents and siblings? This can be the best time to reconnect with the people who truly got your back. It is also a good time to reminisce the good old days and update each other with what’s going on with your private lives and probably discuss your plans for the future. - . Sleep
Yes. Sleep is considered as a luxury nowadays so why not have more of it on February 14? If you don’t feel like answering to chats or you’re done with your lovely self-care routine, you might as well sleep and chase your dreams – literally!
The truth is Valentine’s Day is just a normal day. You do not have to force yourself to be romantic with somebody in order to have something to post on social media. You will not die if you are unattached on this day. Bitter ones will say that Valentine’s Day is just a marketing ploy and guess what? I am bitter! He-he-he!
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Share away!