The ‘New Normal’ Dating: How to Get Yourself ‘Out There’ While on Quarantine

Is your lovelife halted by lockdown? Are you single and looking for some tips on how to get yourself out there despite having absolutely zero social life? Or maybe you’re in a new relationship who needs ideas on how to date virtually? Well, this is a helpful guide on dating during the new normal.

There may be limitations that are dissuading you from getting yourself out there, but this is the perfect time to explore virtual dating or the new normal dating. Below are some of the advice from experts when it comes to dating while on quarantine:

Savor while things are slowing down. The quarantine is giving everyone the opportunity to slow things down including dating and relationships. Meaning, you have the chance to listen and communicate well, hold boundaries, spot the red flags, and be more yourself. It gives you time to get to know your potential partner more without rushing into judgments during first dates.

Have fun while getting to know people. There are so many other things you can do to get to know each other well aside from Skype and FaceTime. Perhaps, you can play your favorite online game with your date or check out some online art collections at the same time to know each other’s hobbies and interests. You can also explore the Derbyshire dating for example if you going location-based makes you feel more comfortable.

Go deeper and explore feelings. The pandemic reveals the real character of a person, making it easier to know someone on a deeper level. After all, if you’re dating to marry, you need to be a little bit serious in your intentions. Keep an open mind when asking questions and make sure you build emotional intimacy to make communication more meaningful.

Define your ideal partner. This should be a priority when deciding to find a date in this time of crisis. Don’t sign up for online dating website like Derbyshire dating site just to satisfy your curiosity or boredom. It’s important to understand that dating should end up in long-term relationship. Therefore, you should consider your needs or desires before swiping, matching, or connecting.

Hold boundaries and stick to the rules. Sometimes, it’s fun to explore new things and ignore the basic rules of dating. However, you need to discuss clearly about your expectations in order to reduce anxiety. Some of the important things to consider include choosing which communication platform to use, allowable text response waiting time, and how long you can go without staying in touch.

Dating should not stop just because there’s lockdown or quarantine being implemented. You don’t just find love in restaurants and bars. The internet is a pretty good place to start exploring and meeting potential partners that you exactly need. Besides, online dating is a great way to practice social distancing.

Bottom Line

With technological innovations that continue to shape the world, dating has been made much simpler nowadays. Imagine, you can meet amazing people in just a few clicks while at the comfort of your home. There’s really no limit to what social media can do in terms of keeping people connected no matter the distance and  situation. And that’s the new normal now.

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